Thursday, February 18, 2010


posted by eric
First off, let me begin by saying Congratulations and Thank You! (Also, please forgive my break in format as I dispense the following editorial dissertation.)

In the day to day ongoings of our lives, it seems (to me) that big business & politics win out way too often over & at the expense of small businesses & the common man. So much so, in fact, that such impingement upon our lives has become compulsory & so covertly ingrained in the status quo, that even the most astute of us fall prey to complacency in regard to it. It is also unfortunate, that perhaps we are more likely to note the exceptions than the commonplace atrocities. But it is good that we do note them, and are worthy to the celebrate disrailment of such injustices.

So then, we invite you to celebrate with us. For far too many years, the City of Troy, in contradiction to the cries of it's citizens, and the tenants of reason, has elected to persecute, and attempted to interfere & obstruct with the operation of one of her longest standing family businesses; Telly's Greenhouse. This, they have done in a continual fashion, at substantial expense to her taxpayers, and an operation which gives generously of time & resources to the citizens of it's community. Alas, at last, it is behind us!

After countless losses under the position of the court, the city has finally, with reason, opted to cease it's endless litany of inane appeals. The "Right-To-Farm Act" still stands. We prevail. Chalk one up for the common man!

We, and farmers across this great nation thank you for your support, for standing at our side, and for using your voices in support of us. Thank You, and Congratulations!

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