Thursday, February 18, 2010


posted by eric
First off, let me begin by saying Congratulations and Thank You! (Also, please forgive my break in format as I dispense the following editorial dissertation.)

In the day to day ongoings of our lives, it seems (to me) that big business & politics win out way too often over & at the expense of small businesses & the common man. So much so, in fact, that such impingement upon our lives has become compulsory & so covertly ingrained in the status quo, that even the most astute of us fall prey to complacency in regard to it. It is also unfortunate, that perhaps we are more likely to note the exceptions than the commonplace atrocities. But it is good that we do note them, and are worthy to the celebrate disrailment of such injustices.

So then, we invite you to celebrate with us. For far too many years, the City of Troy, in contradiction to the cries of it's citizens, and the tenants of reason, has elected to persecute, and attempted to interfere & obstruct with the operation of one of her longest standing family businesses; Telly's Greenhouse. This, they have done in a continual fashion, at substantial expense to her taxpayers, and an operation which gives generously of time & resources to the citizens of it's community. Alas, at last, it is behind us!

After countless losses under the position of the court, the city has finally, with reason, opted to cease it's endless litany of inane appeals. The "Right-To-Farm Act" still stands. We prevail. Chalk one up for the common man!

We, and farmers across this great nation thank you for your support, for standing at our side, and for using your voices in support of us. Thank You, and Congratulations!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Some pretty cool cats . . .

posted by eric
I love this time of year in the greenhouse! The air is once again filled with the moist oxygen-rich air of living, growing things - each breath is refreshing - and every moment, the palpable excitement we feel for the coming spring grows! This time of year, things begin to change so quickly . . . Susan & Sara are hard at work potting thousands upon thousands of roses. Their dedication & attention to detail is insiring as they imbue each plant with the quality only we can offer! We also extend a warm welcome to Scott, out new assistant grower, as he & Mike M. oversee the nurturing of all the new babies arriving at the production facility.

Over the past week, I've stocked litterally thousands of fresh houseplants & tropical treasures from Florida including more than 20 NEW varieties for 2010! A BIG thanks to Mike & George for helping me unpack them! Here are just a few highlights that came out of those boxes:
Calathea 'Jester'
Calatheas are easy to grow mederate to lower light plants. This one, with is enigmatic flashes of cream, chartreuse & yellow is sure to brighten any room!
Cissus amazonica
Also called "Amazon Jungle Vine", this tendril climber is considered rare (I've been trying to get my hands on this one for a few years now). We are proud to offer it, but if you're interested, hurry in - I only have a handful!

Vanilla planifolium 'Variegata'
Speaking of rare, how about a variegated Vanilla bean orchid? Yep - They're here - and at a Telly's price! They are easy to grow if you remember two things; they like bright, diffused light, & should be kept evenly moist (not wet).

Cattleya Orchids
This year, our Orchid selection is better than ever! Far mor than the common fare you will find elsewhere, our selections include; Ludisia (terrestrial Jewel Orchid), Oncidium, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid), Vanilla, and some pretty cool Cats (Cattleya) - ALL at Telly's pricing! - We will also be unveiling several varieties of summer blooming orchids later in the season - perfect for the patio & combination pots!
Nepthytis (Syngonanthus) 'Emerald Gem'
We haven't stocked "Arrow Vine" for a few years now, but this one, with it's bold and ghostly white random flashing is a real stunner!

Colocasia 'Elena'
Those of you who know me know I love my "Elephant Ears". New for 2010, 'Elena' has strong potential for containers with its clearly chartreuse leaf, & a purple splotch in the center! Hmmm . . . .
Aglaonema 'Spakling Sarab'
I'm not sure yet if this variety is as indestructable as other "Chinese Evergreens", but, if it is; Katie - bar the doors! Nearly translucent cany-pink stems hold pink & white veined leaved with pink & white confetti splashes! This one has be seen to be believed!

Stop in & see all our other exciting new varieties!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

There's still time!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day!

posted by eric
SEEDS ARE IN! (And boy, are they ever!) With nearly 600 varieties in stock already, this year's spread includes more than 100 Heirlooms, 125 Certified Organic seed varieties, and 130 NEW selections for 2010! Sprouts are back (with an expanded selection) plus our new microgreens & growing kits - perfect for "feeding" that "growing" itch - right now! (I can hardly wait to get started - Oh wait - I don't have to!)

We are expecting a huge shipment from our sub-tropical friends on Saturday! In addition to tropicals & houseplants, it will also include fresh assortments for Bonsai! This is going to be a very fun shipment with some extremely cool plants on board. I'm very anxious to get it unloaded & displayed so I can unveil some of the "neat new stuff" for 2010! Here is just a (very small) hint of what's to come:
(Cordyline 'Mocha Latte', Neoregelia 'Puppy Love', Colocasia 'Mojito')