Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The bonsai community is already buzzing about the fabulous new arrivals in the store. From small potted bonsai for your windowsill or desk, to some really incredible specimens that make an instant statement, and insite visions of fantasic voyages in miniature! We continue to bring in new material year-round, and offer a full range of supplies & advice, whether you're an admirer, hobbyist, or an experienced Master of this millenia old tradition. And don't forget - Next month, in conjunction with the Four Seasons Bonsai Club of Michigan, we will be hosting what is sure to be an incredible experience with Bonsai Master Julian Adams from Virginia. http://www.tellys.com/events/february.shtml

Friday, January 23, 2009


Codiaeum (Croton)'Picasso's Paintbrush'

NEW FOR 2009! Exhilaratingly different, this stunning plant is already finding it's way into our homes, as an easy to grow houseplant with panache'! It has everything; color, texture, and structure, all rolled into one "everybody's talking about it" package. Although a fresh arrival, we're already certain it will be finding it's way into some of our spectacular Combination Pots - all season long! - And we're just getting started, kids!
A BIG thanks to Janet for her great presentation Wednesday night! Her down-to-earth, no-bones-about-it personality, mixed with her staggering experience always make for an enjoyably enlightening experience! If you missed this one, fret not. She'll be back, and we look forward to seeing you then! http://www.tellys.com/events/index.shtml

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Itoh Peonies

Itoh (or Intersectional) hybrid peonies have been somewhat of a "holy grail" for discerning gardeners for years. Though the first succesful cross of tree and herbaceous peonies was made in 1948 by Toichi Itoh it was years before these seedlings would bloom and many more decades before intersectionals were readily available to the public (at a cost of around $1,000).
Why are Itohs so special? By blending the genes of "tree" and herbaceous peonies you get full bushy plants produced from eyes at soil level (like grandma's peonies). Inherited from the tree peony are attractive dissected foliage, huge flowers up to 10" in diameter, strong stems that easily support said flowers and a wide range of colors including yellow. A mature Itoh peony will bear 30 to 50 flowers over several weeks in late spring.
For 2009 we have added more varieties and found a source of micropropagated plants, allowing us to offer a great selection at greater prices (price has dropped $20.00 per plant). We will also have some nice large flowering size plants available at fantastic prices.
Our 2009 Itoh peony offerings include the following varieties:

First Arrival
Going Bananas
Kopper Kettle
Magical Mystery Tour
Morning Lilac
Sequestered Sunshine
Singing In The Rain
Smith Family Yellow
Yankee Doodle Dandy

Bartzella :

Cora Louise

Julia Rose

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Adenium are in bloom!

Need a winter pick-me-up? Seeing things growing again is the perfect medicine! Stop by - we love to see winter visitors! I was suprised, yesterday, when I looked around and saw all the things in bloom in the greenhouse RIGHT NOW! From Cyclamen and Begonias to Orchids and Peace Lillies, vibrant color abounds to lift your spirits! And yes, the Adenium are in bloom!
We also have some mind-blowing winter specials out:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter Flyer

Our winter flyer & class list is going out this week, so keep your eyes peeled! In the mean time, our class list is always available on the site: http://www.tellys.com/events/index.shtml

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to our brand new blog!

- We're VERY anxious to start sharing all the cool things going on in the greenhouse already! Everyone is hard at work getting spring ready for you, and we are all VERY excited for you to begin discovering all the "Neat New Stuff" we have planned for you! Maria & Carmella just finished transplanting the first crop of Fuchsia baskets this week, and a fresh load of Houseplants, Tropicals & Bonsai just arrived on Saturday - There's some VERY COOL STUFF here, guys . . . Stop by & check it out!
- Packaged seed is in, with more coming! We've really vamped up our selection for 2009, with a nice big selection of Heirlooms, Certified Organic Seeds, and lots of FUN stuff for the kids to grow! We've carried Livingston Seed & Botanical Interests for several years, and we're glad this tradition continues. (These are both family owned companies & have always done a great job with quality, selection, & information.) We've also added Thompson & Morgan to the line-up, and although not family owned, they sure do carry seeds for some crAzy PlaNts!
- Mike & I will be sending out an e-mail on Sunday with some specials & updates, so if you're on our e-mail list, be looking for that. If you're not on our list, why not?
- We're also really proud to kick off our WINTER CLASSES by starting with our special guest Janet Macunovich THIS WEDNESDAY 6-9 p.m.! See our class list for details. We hope to see you there!
- I'll start posting some pics in the next couple of days (TEASER: there's a FAR OUT new Croton called 'Picasso's Paintbrush'. This is one of those plants I know Sara will be dying to use in some of her creations! I can hardly wait to see the journey she takes us on!) In the mean time,
Thanks for stopping by, and check back often!